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Grid DAP Data | Sub- set | Table DAP Data | Make A Graph | W M S | Source Data Files | Title | Sum- mary | FGDC, ISO, Metadata | Back- ground Info | RSS | E | Institution | Dataset ID |
set | data | graph | files | BODC Trajectory Sample datset | F I M | background | BODC | source_data_745d_549b_ad66 |
Row Type | Variable Name | Attribute Name | Data Type | Value |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | cdm_data_type | String | Point |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | Conventions | String | COARDS, CF-1.6, ACDD-1.3 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | creator_name | String | BODC |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | creator_type | String | institution |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | Easternmost_Easting | double | -4.3707 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | featureType | String | Point |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_lat_max | double | 51.213 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_lat_min | double | 48.2064 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_lat_units | String | degrees_north |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_lon_max | double | -4.3707 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_lon_min | double | -10.0544 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | geospatial_lon_units | String | degrees_east |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | infoUrl | String | ??? |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | institution | String | BODC |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | keywords | String | bodc, BODC_bot, BODC_stn, bot, Bot_depth_metres, Bot_Flag, Bot_press_db, Bot_Ref, british, carbon, carbon dioxide, centre, co2, cruise, data, depth, dioxide, dmnless, firing, Firing_Seq, flag, gear, int, latitude, longitude, mdmap014, MDMAP014_umol_kg, metres, msxx, ocean, oceanographic, odv, ODV_type, orig, Orig_stn, pos, press, psalst01, PSALST01_Dmnless, psalst02, PSALST02_Dmnless, quality, ref, rosette, Rosette_Pos, seq, site, stn, tco2, TCO2MSXX_umol_kg, tempsd01, TEMPSD01_degC, tempsd02, TEMPSD02_degC, tempst01, TEMPST01_degC, tempst02, TEMPST02_degC, test, test-int, test-title, thh24, time, title, type, umol, umol/kg, view, w, W_depth_metres, yyyy, yyyy-mm-dd |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | license | String | The data may be used and redistributed for free but is not intended for legal use, since it may contain inaccuracies. Neither the data Contributor, ERD, NOAA, nor the United States Government, nor any of their employees or contractors, makes any warranty, express or implied, including warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, or assumes any legal liability for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness, of this information. |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | Northernmost_Northing | double | 51.213 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | sourceUrl | String | (local files) |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | Southernmost_Northing | double | 48.2064 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | standard_name_vocabulary | String | CF Standard Name Table v70 |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | subsetVariables | String | Cruise, ODV_type |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | summary | String | Test BODC sample data from a local source. |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | title | String | BODC Trajectory Sample datset |
attribute | NC_GLOBAL | Westernmost_Easting | double | -10.0544 |
variable | Cruise | String | ||
attribute | Cruise | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | Cruise | long_name | String | Cruise |
variable | BODC_stn | int | ||
attribute | BODC_stn | _FillValue | int | 2147483647 |
attribute | BODC_stn | actual_range | int | 1790120, 1791891 |
attribute | BODC_stn | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | BODC_stn | long_name | String | BODC Stn |
variable | Orig_stn | short | ||
attribute | Orig_stn | _FillValue | short | 32767 |
attribute | Orig_stn | actual_range | short | 1, 261 |
attribute | Orig_stn | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | Orig_stn | long_name | String | Orig Stn |
variable | ODV_type | String | ||
attribute | ODV_type | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | ODV_type | long_name | String | ODV Type |
variable | Gear | String | ||
attribute | Gear | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | Gear | long_name | String | Gear |
variable | latitude | float | ||
attribute | latitude | _CoordinateAxisType | String | Lat |
attribute | latitude | actual_range | float | 48.2064, 51.213 |
attribute | latitude | axis | String | Y |
attribute | latitude | colorBarMaximum | double | 90.0 |
attribute | latitude | colorBarMinimum | double | -90.0 |
attribute | latitude | ioos_category | String | Location |
attribute | latitude | long_name | String | Latitude |
attribute | latitude | source_name | String | Latitude[deg+veN] |
attribute | latitude | standard_name | String | latitude |
attribute | latitude | units | String | degrees_north |
variable | longitude | float | ||
attribute | longitude | _CoordinateAxisType | String | Lon |
attribute | longitude | actual_range | float | -10.0544, -4.3707 |
attribute | longitude | axis | String | X |
attribute | longitude | colorBarMaximum | double | 180.0 |
attribute | longitude | colorBarMinimum | double | -180.0 |
attribute | longitude | ioos_category | String | Location |
attribute | longitude | long_name | String | Longitude |
attribute | longitude | source_name | String | Longitude[deg+veE] |
attribute | longitude | standard_name | String | longitude |
attribute | longitude | units | String | degrees_east |
variable | W_depth_metres | float | ||
attribute | W_depth_metres | actual_range | float | 68.6, 2465.4 |
attribute | W_depth_metres | ioos_category | String | Location |
attribute | W_depth_metres | long_name | String | W Depth[metres] |
variable | time | double | ||
attribute | time | _CoordinateAxisType | String | Time |
attribute | time | axis | String | T |
attribute | time | ioos_category | String | Time |
attribute | time | long_name | String | Yyyy-mm-dd Thh24:mi:ss[GMT] |
attribute | time | source_name | String | yyyy-mm-ddThh24:mi:ss[GMT] |
attribute | time | standard_name | String | time |
attribute | time | time_origin | String | 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00 |
attribute | time | time_precision | String | 1970-01-01T00:00Z |
attribute | time | units | String | seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z |
variable | Site | String | ||
attribute | Site | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | Site | long_name | String | Site |
variable | Bot_depth_metres | float | ||
attribute | Bot_depth_metres | actual_range | float | 4.6, 2452.4 |
attribute | Bot_depth_metres | ioos_category | String | Location |
attribute | Bot_depth_metres | long_name | String | Bot Depth[metres] |
variable | Bot_press_db | float | ||
attribute | Bot_press_db | actual_range | float | 4.6, 2487.9 |
attribute | Bot_press_db | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | Bot_press_db | long_name | String | Bot Press[db] |
variable | BODC_bot | int | ||
attribute | BODC_bot | _FillValue | int | 2147483647 |
attribute | BODC_bot | actual_range | int | 948191, 953603 |
attribute | BODC_bot | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | BODC_bot | long_name | String | BODC Bot |
variable | Bot_Flag | byte | ||
attribute | Bot_Flag | _FillValue | byte | 127 |
attribute | Bot_Flag | actual_range | byte | 0, 5 |
attribute | Bot_Flag | colorBarMaximum | double | 150.0 |
attribute | Bot_Flag | colorBarMinimum | double | 0.0 |
attribute | Bot_Flag | ioos_category | String | Quality |
attribute | Bot_Flag | long_name | String | Bot Flag |
variable | Rosette_Pos | byte | ||
attribute | Rosette_Pos | _FillValue | byte | 127 |
attribute | Rosette_Pos | actual_range | byte | 1, 24 |
attribute | Rosette_Pos | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | Rosette_Pos | long_name | String | Rosette Pos |
variable | Firing_Seq | byte | ||
attribute | Firing_Seq | _FillValue | byte | 127 |
attribute | Firing_Seq | actual_range | byte | 1, 24 |
attribute | Firing_Seq | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | Firing_Seq | long_name | String | Firing Seq |
variable | Bot_Ref | String | ||
attribute | Bot_Ref | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | Bot_Ref | long_name | String | Bot Ref |
variable | MDMAP014_umol_kg | float | ||
attribute | MDMAP014_umol_kg | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | MDMAP014_umol_kg | actual_range | float | 2318.7, 2361.0 |
attribute | MDMAP014_umol_kg | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | MDMAP014_umol_kg | long_name | String | MDMAP014[umol/kg] |
variable | TCO2MSXX_umol_kg | float | ||
attribute | TCO2MSXX_umol_kg | _FillValue | float | NaN |
attribute | TCO2MSXX_umol_kg | actual_range | float | 2094.8, 2200.3 |
attribute | TCO2MSXX_umol_kg | ioos_category | String | CO2 |
attribute | TCO2MSXX_umol_kg | long_name | String | TCO2 MSXX[umol/kg] |
variable | PSALST01_Dmnless | float | ||
attribute | PSALST01_Dmnless | actual_range | float | 34.701, 35.733 |
attribute | PSALST01_Dmnless | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | PSALST01_Dmnless | long_name | String | PSALST01[Dmnless] |
variable | PSALST02_Dmnless | float | ||
attribute | PSALST02_Dmnless | actual_range | float | 34.963, 35.729 |
attribute | PSALST02_Dmnless | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | PSALST02_Dmnless | long_name | String | PSALST02[Dmnless] |
variable | TEMPST01_degC | float | ||
attribute | TEMPST01_degC | actual_range | float | 3.213, 14.603 |
attribute | TEMPST01_degC | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | TEMPST01_degC | long_name | String | TEMPST01[deg C] |
variable | TEMPSD01_degC | float | ||
attribute | TEMPSD01_degC | actual_range | float | 0.0, 0.072 |
attribute | TEMPSD01_degC | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | TEMPSD01_degC | long_name | String | TEMPSD01[deg C] |
variable | TEMPST02_degC | float | ||
attribute | TEMPST02_degC | actual_range | float | 3.218, 14.605 |
attribute | TEMPST02_degC | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | TEMPST02_degC | long_name | String | TEMPST02[deg C] |
variable | TEMPSD02_degC | float | ||
attribute | TEMPSD02_degC | actual_range | float | 0.0, 0.066 |
attribute | TEMPSD02_degC | ioos_category | String | Unknown |
attribute | TEMPSD02_degC | long_name | String | TEMPSD02[deg C] |
The information in the table above is also available in other file formats (.csv, .htmlTable, .itx, .json, .jsonlCSV1, .jsonlCSV, .jsonlKVP, .mat, .nc, .nccsv, .tsv, .xhtml) via a RESTful web service.