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Row Type Variable Name Attribute Name Data Type Value
attribute NC_GLOBAL cdm_data_type String Trajectory
attribute NC_GLOBAL cdm_trajectory_variables String expocode, dataset_name, platform_name, platform_type, organization, geospatial_lon_min, geospatial_lon_max, geospatial_lat_min, geospatial_lat_max, time_coverage_start, time_coverage_end, investigators, socat_version, all_region_ids, socat_doi, qc_flag, nobs_full, nobs_deci
attribute NC_GLOBAL Conventions String CF-1.6, COARDS, Unidata Dataset Discovery v1.0, NCCSV-1.1
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_name String PMEL
attribute NC_GLOBAL creator_url String socat.info
attribute NC_GLOBAL Easternmost_Easting double 180.0
attribute NC_GLOBAL featureType String Trajectory
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_max double 89.9996
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_min double -78.682
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lat_units String degrees_north
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_max double 180.0
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_min double -180.0
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_lon_units String degrees_east
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_vertical_max double 8.0
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_vertical_min double 0.0
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_vertical_positive String down
attribute NC_GLOBAL geospatial_vertical_units String m
attribute NC_GLOBAL history String DsgNcFile 2.0PyFerret V7.63 (optimized) 30-Apr-21
attribute NC_GLOBAL infoUrl String socat.info
attribute NC_GLOBAL institution String PMEL
attribute NC_GLOBAL keywords String 100humidity, actual, additional, air, air_pressure_at_sea_level, air_temperature_at_sea_level, algorithm, atlas, atmosphere, atmospheric, bathymetry, beginning, calculated, carbon, carbon dioxide, chamber, chemistry, circulation, co2, collection, compounds, course, currents, data, dataset, day, density, depth, dioxide, direction, distance, documents, dry, Earth Science > Atmosphere > Atmospheric Chemistry > Carbon And Hydrocarbon Compounds, Earth Science > Atmosphere > Atmospheric Chemistry > Carbon And Hydrocarbon Compounds > Carbon Dioxide, Earth Science > Atmosphere > Atmospheric Pressure > Atmospheric Pressure Measurements, Earth Science > Atmosphere > Atmospheric Pressure > Sea Level Pressure, Earth Science > Atmosphere > Atmospheric Pressure > Static Pressure, Earth Science > Atmosphere > Atmospheric Water Vapor > Humidity, Earth Science > Atmosphere > Atmospheric Winds > Surface Winds, Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Chemistry > Carbon, Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Chemistry > Carbon Dioxide, Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Circulation > Ocean Currents, Earth Science > Oceans > Ocean Temperature > Sea Surface Temperature, Earth Science > Oceans > Salinity/Density > Salinity, easternmost, eastward, eastward_sea_water_velocity, ending, equi, equil, equilibrator, etopo2, expocode, fco2, flag, fraction, globalview, ground, hour, humidity, hydrocarbon, identifier, interpolated, investigators, land, level, measured, measurements, minus, minute, mole, mole_fraction_of_carbon_dioxide_in_air, mole_fraction_of_carbon_dioxide_in_sea_water, mole_fraction_of_water_in_air, month, name, ncar, ncep, ncep/ncar, noaa, northernmost, number, ocean, oceans, organization, original, partial, pco2, platform, platform_course, platform_name, platform_speed_wrt_ground, pmel, ppm, pressure, quality, reanalysis, recommended, region, relative, relative_humidity, sal, salinity, sample, sea, sea-level, sea_surface_salinity, sea_surface_temperature, seawater, second, ship, slp, socat, southernmost, specific, specific_humidity, speed, sss, sst, static, surface, surface_partial_pressure_of_carbon_dioxide_in_air, surface_partial_pressure_of_carbon_dioxide_in_sea_water, temperature, time, true, uatm, using, vapor, velocity, version, vessel, water, westernmost, wet, wind, wind_from_direction, wind_speed, winds, woa, woce, world, wrt, xco2, xh2o, year
attribute NC_GLOBAL keywords_vocabulary String GCMD Science Keywords
attribute NC_GLOBAL license String The data may be used and redistributed for free but is not intended\nfor legal use, since it may contain inaccuracies. Neither the data\nContributor, ERD, NOAA, nor the United States Government, nor any\nof their employees or contractors, makes any warranty, express or\nimplied, including warranties of merchantability and fitness for a\nparticular purpose, or assumes any legal liability for the accuracy,\ncompleteness, or usefulness, of this information.\n\nThe synthesis and gridded SOCAT products are a result of scientific effort \nby data providers, data managers and quality controllers. It is important \nthat users of the SOCAT products fairly acknowledge this effort. This will\nhelp generate funding for continuation of observational products and \npromote further sharing of data.  \n\nWe expect that users of SOCAT data products:\n\n1) Generously acknowledge the contribution of SOCAT data providers and\ninvestigators in the form of invitation to co-authorship, reference \nto relevant scientific articles by data providers or by naming data \nproviders in the acknowledgements.\n\nSpecifically, in regional studies invite large data providers, who \nfrequently possess valuable expert knowledge on data and region, \nto collaborate at an early stage, which may lead to an invitation \nof co-authorship.  We recognize that co-authorship is only justified \nin case of a significant scientific contribution to a publication \nand that provision of data on its own does not warrant co-authorship.\n\n2) Cite SOCAT and its data products as:\n Versions 3-6: Bakker et al. (2016);\n Version 2: Bakker et al. (2014);\n Version 1 (synthesis data products): Pfeil et al. (2013);\n Version 1 (gridded data product): Sabine et al.(2013) and Pfeil et al. (2013).\n\n3) Include in the acknowledgements:\nThe Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas (SOCAT) is an international effort, \nendorsed by the International Ocean Carbon Coordination Project (IOCCP), \nthe Surface Ocean Lower Atmosphere Study (SOLAS) and the Integrated \nMarine Biosphere Research (IMBeR) program, to deliver a uniformly \nquality-controlled surface ocean CO2 database. The many researchers \nand funding agencies responsible for the collection of data and \nquality control are thanked for their contributions to SOCAT.\n\n4) Report problems to submit@socat.info.\n\n5) Inform submit@socat.info of publications in which SOCAT is used.\n\nPlease, contact the SOCAT investigators for further advice.
attribute NC_GLOBAL Metadata_Conventions String CF-1.6, COARDS, Unidata Dataset Discovery v1.0
attribute NC_GLOBAL Northernmost_Northing double 89.9996
attribute NC_GLOBAL sourceUrl String (local files)
attribute NC_GLOBAL Southernmost_Northing double -78.682
attribute NC_GLOBAL standard_name_vocabulary String CF-12
attribute NC_GLOBAL subsetVariables String expocode, dataset_name, platform_name, platform_type, organization, geospatial_lon_min, geospatial_lon_max, geospatial_lat_min, geospatial_lat_max, time_coverage_start, time_coverage_end, investigators, socat_version, all_region_ids, socat_doi, qc_flag, nobs_full, nobs_deci, region_id, WOCE_CO2_water, WOCE_CO2_atm
attribute NC_GLOBAL summary String SOCAT v2021 DSG Files
attribute NC_GLOBAL time_coverage_end String 2021-01-05T23:58:00Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL time_coverage_start String 1957-10-21T23:00:00Z
attribute NC_GLOBAL title String SOCAT v2021 Data Collection
attribute NC_GLOBAL Westernmost_Easting double -180.0
variable expocode String
attribute expocode cf_role String trajectory_id
attribute expocode long_name String unique identifier of a dataset
attribute expocode standard_name String expocode
variable dataset_name String
attribute dataset_name ioos_category String Identifier
attribute dataset_name long_name String name for this dataset used by investigator
attribute dataset_name standard_name String dataset_name
variable platform_name String
attribute platform_name long_name String platform name
attribute platform_name standard_name String platform_name
variable platform_type String
attribute platform_type long_name String platform type
attribute platform_type standard_name String platform_type
variable organization String
attribute organization ioos_category String Identifier
attribute organization long_name String organizations
attribute organization standard_name String organization
variable geospatial_lon_min double
attribute geospatial_lon_min _FillValue double -1.0E34
attribute geospatial_lon_min actual_range double -179.9985, 179.957993
attribute geospatial_lon_min colorBarMaximum double 180.0
attribute geospatial_lon_min colorBarMinimum double -180.0
attribute geospatial_lon_min ioos_category String Location
attribute geospatial_lon_min long_name String westernmost longitude
attribute geospatial_lon_min missing_value double -1.0E34
attribute geospatial_lon_min standard_name String longitude
attribute geospatial_lon_min units String degrees_east
variable geospatial_lon_max double
attribute geospatial_lon_max _FillValue double -1.0E34
attribute geospatial_lon_max actual_range double -179.992996, 179.932371
attribute geospatial_lon_max colorBarMaximum double 180.0
attribute geospatial_lon_max colorBarMinimum double -180.0
attribute geospatial_lon_max ioos_category String Location
attribute geospatial_lon_max long_name String easternmost longitude
attribute geospatial_lon_max missing_value double -1.0E34
attribute geospatial_lon_max standard_name String longitude
attribute geospatial_lon_max units String degrees_east
variable geospatial_lat_min double
attribute geospatial_lat_min _FillValue double -1.0E34
attribute geospatial_lat_min actual_range double -78.682, 80.2622
attribute geospatial_lat_min colorBarMaximum double 90.0
attribute geospatial_lat_min colorBarMinimum double -90.0
attribute geospatial_lat_min ioos_category String Location
attribute geospatial_lat_min long_name String southernmost latitude
attribute geospatial_lat_min missing_value double -1.0E34
attribute geospatial_lat_min standard_name String latitude
attribute geospatial_lat_min units String degrees_north
variable geospatial_lat_max double
attribute geospatial_lat_max _FillValue double -1.0E34
attribute geospatial_lat_max actual_range double -76.819, 89.9996
attribute geospatial_lat_max colorBarMaximum double 90.0
attribute geospatial_lat_max colorBarMinimum double -90.0
attribute geospatial_lat_max ioos_category String Location
attribute geospatial_lat_max long_name String northernmost latitude
attribute geospatial_lat_max missing_value double -1.0E34
attribute geospatial_lat_max standard_name String latitude
attribute geospatial_lat_max units String degrees_north
variable time_coverage_start double
attribute time_coverage_start actual_range double -3.84912E8, 1.5499296E9
attribute time_coverage_start ioos_category String Time
attribute time_coverage_start long_name String starting time
attribute time_coverage_start standard_name String time
attribute time_coverage_start time_origin String 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00
attribute time_coverage_start units String seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
variable time_coverage_end double
attribute time_coverage_end actual_range double -3.79382401E8, 1.551139199E9
attribute time_coverage_end ioos_category String Time
attribute time_coverage_end long_name String ending time
attribute time_coverage_end standard_name String time
attribute time_coverage_end time_origin String 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00
attribute time_coverage_end units String seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
variable investigators String
attribute investigators ioos_category String Identifier
attribute investigators long_name String investigators
attribute investigators standard_name String investigators
variable socat_version String
attribute socat_version ioos_category String Identifier
attribute socat_version long_name String SOCAT version with status
variable all_region_ids String
attribute all_region_ids ioos_category String Location
attribute all_region_ids long_name String Sorted unique region IDs
variable socat_doi String
attribute socat_doi ioos_category String Identifier
attribute socat_doi long_name String DOI of the SOCAT-enhanced dataset
variable qc_flag String
attribute qc_flag colorBarMaximum double 128.0
attribute qc_flag colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute qc_flag ioos_category String Identifier
attribute qc_flag long_name String QC assessment of the dataset
variable sample_number int
attribute sample_number _FillValue int -99
attribute sample_number actual_range int 1, 290997
attribute sample_number colorBarMaximum double 100.0
attribute sample_number colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute sample_number ioos_category String Identifier
attribute sample_number long_name String sample number
attribute sample_number missing_value int -99
variable year int
attribute year _FillValue int -99
attribute year actual_range int 1957, 2021
attribute year ioos_category String Time
attribute year long_name String sample year
attribute year missing_value int -99
attribute year standard_name String year
variable month int
attribute month _FillValue int -99
attribute month actual_range int 1, 12
attribute month ioos_category String Time
attribute month long_name String sample month of year
attribute month missing_value int -99
attribute month standard_name String month_of_year
variable day int
attribute day _FillValue int -99
attribute day actual_range int 1, 31
attribute day ioos_category String Time
attribute day long_name String sample day of month
attribute day missing_value int -99
attribute day standard_name String day_of_month
variable hour int
attribute hour _FillValue int -99
attribute hour actual_range int 0, 23
attribute hour ioos_category String Time
attribute hour long_name String sample hour of day
attribute hour missing_value int -99
attribute hour standard_name String hour_of_day
variable minute int
attribute minute _FillValue int -99
attribute minute actual_range int 0, 59
attribute minute ioos_category String Time
attribute minute long_name String sample minute of hour
attribute minute missing_value int -99
attribute minute standard_name String minute_of_hour
variable second double
attribute second _FillValue double -1.0E34
attribute second actual_range double 0.0, 59.999
attribute second ioos_category String Time
attribute second long_name String sample second of minute
attribute second missing_value double -1.0E34
attribute second standard_name String second_of_minute
variable longitude double
attribute longitude _CoordinateAxisType String Lon
attribute longitude _FillValue double -1.0E34
attribute longitude actual_range double -180.0, 180.0
attribute longitude axis String X
attribute longitude colorBarMaximum double 180.0
attribute longitude colorBarMinimum double -180.0
attribute longitude ioos_category String Location
attribute longitude long_name String Longitude
attribute longitude missing_value double -1.0E34
attribute longitude standard_name String longitude
attribute longitude units String degrees_east
variable latitude double
attribute latitude _CoordinateAxisType String Lat
attribute latitude _FillValue double -1.0E34
attribute latitude actual_range double -78.682, 89.9996
attribute latitude axis String Y
attribute latitude colorBarMaximum double 90.0
attribute latitude colorBarMinimum double -90.0
attribute latitude ioos_category String Location
attribute latitude long_name String Latitude
attribute latitude missing_value double -1.0E34
attribute latitude standard_name String latitude
attribute latitude units String degrees_north
variable depth double
attribute depth _CoordinateAxisType String Height
attribute depth _CoordinateZisPositive String down
attribute depth _FillValue double -1.0E34
attribute depth actual_range double 0.0, 8.0
attribute depth axis String Z
attribute depth colorBarMaximum double 8000.0
attribute depth colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute depth colorBarPalette String OceanDepth
attribute depth ioos_category String Location
attribute depth long_name String sample depth
attribute depth missing_value double -1.0E34
attribute depth positive String down
attribute depth standard_name String depth
attribute depth units String m
variable sal double
attribute sal _FillValue double -1.0E34
attribute sal actual_range double -99.0, 51391.0
attribute sal colorBarMaximum double 37.0
attribute sal colorBarMinimum double 32.0
attribute sal ioos_category String Salinity
attribute sal long_name String salinity
attribute sal missing_value double -1.0E34
attribute sal standard_name String sea_surface_salinity
attribute sal units String PSU
variable Temperature_equi double
attribute Temperature_equi _FillValue double -1.0E34
attribute Temperature_equi actual_range double -262.049988, 660.0
attribute Temperature_equi colorBarMaximum double 40.0
attribute Temperature_equi colorBarMinimum double -10.0
attribute Temperature_equi ioos_category String Temperature
attribute Temperature_equi long_name String equilibrator chamber temperature
attribute Temperature_equi missing_value double -1.0E34
attribute Temperature_equi units String degrees C
variable temp double
attribute temp _FillValue double -1.0E34
attribute temp actual_range double -99.900002, 1013.3
attribute temp colorBarMaximum double 32.0
attribute temp colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute temp ioos_category String Temperature
attribute temp long_name String sea surface temperature
attribute temp missing_value double -1.0E34
attribute temp standard_name String sea_surface_temperature
attribute temp units String degrees C
variable Temperature_atm double
attribute Temperature_atm _FillValue double -1.0E34
attribute Temperature_atm actual_range double -40.0, 43.75
attribute Temperature_atm colorBarMaximum double 40.0
attribute Temperature_atm colorBarMinimum double -10.0
attribute Temperature_atm ioos_category String Temperature
attribute Temperature_atm long_name String sea-level air temperature
attribute Temperature_atm missing_value double -1.0E34
attribute Temperature_atm standard_name String air_temperature_at_sea_level
attribute Temperature_atm units String degrees C
variable Pressure_equi double
attribute Pressure_equi _FillValue double -1.0E34
attribute Pressure_equi actual_range double -1.36, 9950.0
attribute Pressure_equi ioos_category String Pressure
attribute Pressure_equi long_name String equilibrator chamber pressure
attribute Pressure_equi missing_value double -1.0E34
attribute Pressure_equi units String hPa
variable Pressure_atm double
attribute Pressure_atm _FillValue double -1.0E34
attribute Pressure_atm actual_range double -9990.0, 9999.900391
attribute Pressure_atm colorBarMaximum double 1050.0
attribute Pressure_atm colorBarMinimum double 950.0
attribute Pressure_atm ioos_category String Pressure
attribute Pressure_atm long_name String sea-level air pressure
attribute Pressure_atm missing_value double -1.0E34
attribute Pressure_atm standard_name String air_pressure_at_sea_level
attribute Pressure_atm units String hPa
variable xCO2_water_equi_temp_dry_ppm double
attribute xCO2_water_equi_temp_dry_ppm _FillValue double -1.0E34
attribute xCO2_water_equi_temp_dry_ppm actual_range double -27.464, 68477.754
attribute xCO2_water_equi_temp_dry_ppm ioos_category String CO2
attribute xCO2_water_equi_temp_dry_ppm long_name String water xCO2 dry using equi temp
attribute xCO2_water_equi_temp_dry_ppm missing_value double -1.0E34
attribute xCO2_water_equi_temp_dry_ppm standard_name String mole_fraction_of_carbon_dioxide_in_sea_water
attribute xCO2_water_equi_temp_dry_ppm units String umol/mol
variable xCO2_water_sst_dry_ppm double
attribute xCO2_water_sst_dry_ppm _FillValue double -1.0E34
attribute xCO2_water_sst_dry_ppm actual_range double -999.0, 7821.0
attribute xCO2_water_sst_dry_ppm ioos_category String CO2
attribute xCO2_water_sst_dry_ppm long_name String water xCO2 dry using sst
attribute xCO2_water_sst_dry_ppm missing_value double -1.0E34
attribute xCO2_water_sst_dry_ppm standard_name String mole_fraction_of_carbon_dioxide_in_sea_water
attribute xCO2_water_sst_dry_ppm units String umol/mol
variable xCO2_water_equi_temp_wet_ppm double
attribute xCO2_water_equi_temp_wet_ppm _FillValue double -1.0E34
attribute xCO2_water_equi_temp_wet_ppm actual_range double -104768.97, 94101.27
attribute xCO2_water_equi_temp_wet_ppm ioos_category String CO2
attribute xCO2_water_equi_temp_wet_ppm long_name String water xCO2 wet using equi temp
attribute xCO2_water_equi_temp_wet_ppm missing_value double -1.0E34
attribute xCO2_water_equi_temp_wet_ppm standard_name String mole_fraction_of_carbon_dioxide_in_sea_water
attribute xCO2_water_equi_temp_wet_ppm units String umol/mol
variable xCO2_water_sst_wet_ppm double
attribute xCO2_water_sst_wet_ppm _FillValue double -1.0E34
attribute xCO2_water_sst_wet_ppm actual_range double 77.3, 757.8
attribute xCO2_water_sst_wet_ppm ioos_category String CO2
attribute xCO2_water_sst_wet_ppm long_name String water xCO2 wet using sst
attribute xCO2_water_sst_wet_ppm missing_value double -1.0E34
attribute xCO2_water_sst_wet_ppm standard_name String mole_fraction_of_carbon_dioxide_in_sea_water
attribute xCO2_water_sst_wet_ppm units String umol/mol
variable pCO2_water_equi_temp double
attribute pCO2_water_equi_temp _FillValue double -1.0E34
attribute pCO2_water_equi_temp actual_range double -577.376, 67959.638
attribute pCO2_water_equi_temp ioos_category String CO2
attribute pCO2_water_equi_temp long_name String water pCO2 wet using equi temp
attribute pCO2_water_equi_temp missing_value double -1.0E34
attribute pCO2_water_equi_temp standard_name String surface_partial_pressure_of_carbon_dioxide_in_sea_water
attribute pCO2_water_equi_temp units String uatm
variable pCO2_water_sst_100humidity_uatm double
attribute pCO2_water_sst_100humidity_uatm _FillValue double -1.0E34
attribute pCO2_water_sst_100humidity_uatm actual_range double -560.233, 66340.379
attribute pCO2_water_sst_100humidity_uatm ioos_category String CO2
attribute pCO2_water_sst_100humidity_uatm long_name String water pCO2 wet using sst
attribute pCO2_water_sst_100humidity_uatm missing_value double -1.0E34
attribute pCO2_water_sst_100humidity_uatm standard_name String surface_partial_pressure_of_carbon_dioxide_in_sea_water
attribute pCO2_water_sst_100humidity_uatm units String uatm
variable fCO2_water_equi_uatm double
attribute fCO2_water_equi_uatm _FillValue double -1.0E34
attribute fCO2_water_equi_uatm actual_range double -577.376, 67659.067
attribute fCO2_water_equi_uatm ioos_category String CO2
attribute fCO2_water_equi_uatm long_name String water fCO2 wet using equi temp
attribute fCO2_water_equi_uatm missing_value double -1.0E34
attribute fCO2_water_equi_uatm standard_name String surface_partial_pressure_of_carbon_dioxide_in_sea_water
attribute fCO2_water_equi_uatm units String uatm
variable fCO2_water_sst_100humidity_uatm double
attribute fCO2_water_sst_100humidity_uatm _FillValue double -1.0E34
attribute fCO2_water_sst_100humidity_uatm actual_range double -560.233, 66046.969
attribute fCO2_water_sst_100humidity_uatm ioos_category String CO2
attribute fCO2_water_sst_100humidity_uatm long_name String water fCO2 wet using sst
attribute fCO2_water_sst_100humidity_uatm missing_value double -1.0E34
attribute fCO2_water_sst_100humidity_uatm standard_name String surface_partial_pressure_of_carbon_dioxide_in_sea_water
attribute fCO2_water_sst_100humidity_uatm units String uatm
variable xCO2_atm_dry_actual double
attribute xCO2_atm_dry_actual _FillValue double -1.0E34
attribute xCO2_atm_dry_actual actual_range double -23.46, 67913.223
attribute xCO2_atm_dry_actual ioos_category String CO2
attribute xCO2_atm_dry_actual long_name String actual air xCO2 dry
attribute xCO2_atm_dry_actual missing_value double -1.0E34
attribute xCO2_atm_dry_actual standard_name String mole_fraction_of_carbon_dioxide_in_air
attribute xCO2_atm_dry_actual units String umol/mol
variable xCO2_atm_dry_interp double
attribute xCO2_atm_dry_interp _FillValue double -1.0E34
attribute xCO2_atm_dry_interp actual_range double 2.26, 1042.199951
attribute xCO2_atm_dry_interp ioos_category String CO2
attribute xCO2_atm_dry_interp long_name String interpolated air xCO2 dry
attribute xCO2_atm_dry_interp missing_value double -1.0E34
attribute xCO2_atm_dry_interp standard_name String mole_fraction_of_carbon_dioxide_in_air
attribute xCO2_atm_dry_interp units String umol/mol
variable pCO2_atm_wet_actual double
attribute pCO2_atm_wet_actual _FillValue double -1.0E34
attribute pCO2_atm_wet_actual actual_range double -23.169, 67237.857
attribute pCO2_atm_wet_actual ioos_category String CO2
attribute pCO2_atm_wet_actual long_name String actual air pCO2 wet
attribute pCO2_atm_wet_actual missing_value double -1.0E34
attribute pCO2_atm_wet_actual standard_name String surface_partial_pressure_of_carbon_dioxide_in_air
attribute pCO2_atm_wet_actual units String uatm
variable pCO2_atm_wet_interp double
attribute pCO2_atm_wet_interp _FillValue double -1.0E34
attribute pCO2_atm_wet_interp actual_range double 236.259995, 879.77
attribute pCO2_atm_wet_interp ioos_category String CO2
attribute pCO2_atm_wet_interp long_name String interpolated air pCO2 wet
attribute pCO2_atm_wet_interp missing_value double -1.0E34
attribute pCO2_atm_wet_interp standard_name String surface_partial_pressure_of_carbon_dioxide_in_air
attribute pCO2_atm_wet_interp units String uatm
variable fCO2_atm_wet_actual double
attribute fCO2_atm_wet_actual _FillValue double -1.0E34
attribute fCO2_atm_wet_actual actual_range double -23.082, 66940.913
attribute fCO2_atm_wet_actual ioos_category String CO2
attribute fCO2_atm_wet_actual long_name String actual air fCO2 wet
attribute fCO2_atm_wet_actual missing_value double -1.0E34
attribute fCO2_atm_wet_actual standard_name String surface_partial_pressure_of_carbon_dioxide_in_air
attribute fCO2_atm_wet_actual units String uatm
variable fCO2_atm_wet_interp double
attribute fCO2_atm_wet_interp _FillValue double -1.0E34
attribute fCO2_atm_wet_interp actual_range double -999.0, 652.2
attribute fCO2_atm_wet_interp ioos_category String CO2
attribute fCO2_atm_wet_interp long_name String interpolated air fCO2 wet
attribute fCO2_atm_wet_interp missing_value double -1.0E34
attribute fCO2_atm_wet_interp standard_name String surface_partial_pressure_of_carbon_dioxide_in_air
attribute fCO2_atm_wet_interp units String uatm
variable delta_xCO2 double
attribute delta_xCO2 _FillValue double -1.0E34
attribute delta_xCO2 actual_range double -314.5, 489.6
attribute delta_xCO2 colorBarMaximum double 0.5
attribute delta_xCO2 colorBarMinimum double -0.5
attribute delta_xCO2 ioos_category String CO2
attribute delta_xCO2 long_name String water xCO2 minus atmospheric xCO2
attribute delta_xCO2 missing_value double -1.0E34
attribute delta_xCO2 standard_name String eastward_sea_water_velocity
attribute delta_xCO2 units String umol/mol
variable delta_pCO2 double
attribute delta_pCO2 _FillValue double -1.0E34
attribute delta_pCO2 actual_range double -1361.6, 996.9559027
attribute delta_pCO2 ioos_category String CO2
attribute delta_pCO2 long_name String water pCO2 minus atmospheric pCO2
attribute delta_pCO2 missing_value double -1.0E34
attribute delta_pCO2 units String uatm
variable delta_fCO2 double
attribute delta_fCO2 _FillValue double -1.0E34
attribute delta_fCO2 actual_range double -1356.0, 4823.16
attribute delta_fCO2 ioos_category String CO2
attribute delta_fCO2 long_name String water fCO2 minus atmospheric fCO2
attribute delta_fCO2 missing_value double -1.0E34
attribute delta_fCO2 units String uatm
variable xH2O_equi double
variable relative_humidity double
attribute relative_humidity _FillValue double -1.0E34
attribute relative_humidity actual_range double 0.2, 100.0
attribute relative_humidity colorBarMaximum double 100.0
attribute relative_humidity colorBarMinimum double 20.0
attribute relative_humidity long_name String relative humidity
attribute relative_humidity missing_value double -1.0E34
attribute relative_humidity standard_name String relative_humidity
variable specific_humidity double
attribute specific_humidity _FillValue double -1.0E34
attribute specific_humidity colorBarMaximum double 30.0
attribute specific_humidity colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute specific_humidity long_name String specific humidity
attribute specific_humidity missing_value double -1.0E34
attribute specific_humidity standard_name String specific_humidity
variable ship_speed double
attribute ship_speed _FillValue double -1.0E34
attribute ship_speed actual_range double -9.0, 685.0
attribute ship_speed long_name String measured ship speed
attribute ship_speed missing_value double -1.0E34
attribute ship_speed standard_name String platform_speed_wrt_ground
attribute ship_speed units String knots
variable ship_dir double
attribute ship_dir _FillValue double -1.0E34
attribute ship_dir actual_range double -9.0, 14523.0
attribute ship_dir colorBarMaximum double 360.0
attribute ship_dir colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute ship_dir long_name String ship direction
attribute ship_dir missing_value double -1.0E34
attribute ship_dir standard_name String platform_course
attribute ship_dir units String degrees
variable wind_speed_true double
attribute wind_speed_true _FillValue double -1.0E34
attribute wind_speed_true actual_range double -99.9, 1009.5
attribute wind_speed_true colorBarMaximum double 15.0
attribute wind_speed_true colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute wind_speed_true ioos_category String Wind
attribute wind_speed_true long_name String true wind speed
attribute wind_speed_true missing_value double -1.0E34
attribute wind_speed_true standard_name String wind_speed
attribute wind_speed_true units String m/s
variable wind_speed_rel double
attribute wind_speed_rel _FillValue double -1.0E34
attribute wind_speed_rel actual_range double 0.0, 359.549988
attribute wind_speed_rel colorBarMaximum double 15.0
attribute wind_speed_rel colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute wind_speed_rel ioos_category String Wind
attribute wind_speed_rel long_name String relative wind speed
attribute wind_speed_rel missing_value double -1.0E34
attribute wind_speed_rel standard_name String wind_speed
attribute wind_speed_rel units String m/s
variable wind_dir_true double
attribute wind_dir_true _FillValue double -1.0E34
attribute wind_dir_true actual_range double -999.0, 990.0
attribute wind_dir_true colorBarMaximum double 360.0
attribute wind_dir_true colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute wind_dir_true ioos_category String Wind
attribute wind_dir_true long_name String true wind direction
attribute wind_dir_true missing_value double -1.0E34
attribute wind_dir_true standard_name String wind_from_direction
attribute wind_dir_true units String degrees
variable wind_dir_rel double
attribute wind_dir_rel _FillValue double -1.0E34
attribute wind_dir_rel actual_range double 0.0, 990.0
attribute wind_dir_rel colorBarMaximum double 360.0
attribute wind_dir_rel colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute wind_dir_rel ioos_category String Wind
attribute wind_dir_rel long_name String relative wind direction
attribute wind_dir_rel missing_value double -1.0E34
attribute wind_dir_rel standard_name String wind_from_direction
attribute wind_dir_rel units String degrees
variable WOCE_CO2_water String
attribute WOCE_CO2_water colorBarMaximum double 128.0
attribute WOCE_CO2_water colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute WOCE_CO2_water ioos_category String Quality
attribute WOCE_CO2_water long_name String WOCE flag for aqueous CO2
variable WOCE_CO2_atm String
attribute WOCE_CO2_atm colorBarMaximum double 128.0
attribute WOCE_CO2_atm colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute WOCE_CO2_atm ioos_category String Quality
attribute WOCE_CO2_atm long_name String WOCE flag for atmospheric CO2
variable woa_sss double
attribute woa_sss _FillValue double -1.0E34
attribute woa_sss actual_range double 5.0, 40.34479904174805
attribute woa_sss colorBarMaximum double 37.0
attribute woa_sss colorBarMinimum double 32.0
attribute woa_sss ioos_category String Salinity
attribute woa_sss long_name String salinity from World Ocean Atlas
attribute woa_sss missing_value double -1.0E34
attribute woa_sss standard_name String sea_surface_salinity
attribute woa_sss units String PSU
variable pressure_ncep_slp double
attribute pressure_ncep_slp _FillValue double -1.0E34
attribute pressure_ncep_slp actual_range double 937.3000000000001, 1048.8
attribute pressure_ncep_slp colorBarMaximum double 1050.0
attribute pressure_ncep_slp colorBarMinimum double 950.0
attribute pressure_ncep_slp ioos_category String Pressure
attribute pressure_ncep_slp long_name String sea level air pressure from NCEP/NCAR reanalysis
attribute pressure_ncep_slp missing_value double -1.0E34
attribute pressure_ncep_slp standard_name String air_pressure_at_sea_level
attribute pressure_ncep_slp units String hPa
variable fCO2_insitu_from_xCO2_water_equi_temp_dry_ppm double
attribute fCO2_insitu_from_xCO2_water_equi_temp_dry_ppm _FillValue double -1.0E34
attribute fCO2_insitu_from_xCO2_water_equi_temp_dry_ppm actual_range double -27.401588183716427, 66047.24615659607
attribute fCO2_insitu_from_xCO2_water_equi_temp_dry_ppm ioos_category String CO2
attribute fCO2_insitu_from_xCO2_water_equi_temp_dry_ppm long_name String fCO2 from xCO2_water_equi_temp_dry_ppm, Pressure_equi, sal
attribute fCO2_insitu_from_xCO2_water_equi_temp_dry_ppm missing_value double -1.0E34
attribute fCO2_insitu_from_xCO2_water_equi_temp_dry_ppm standard_name String surface_partial_pressure_of_carbon_dioxide_in_sea_water
attribute fCO2_insitu_from_xCO2_water_equi_temp_dry_ppm units String uatm
variable fCO2_insitu_from_xCO2_water_sst_dry_ppm double
attribute fCO2_insitu_from_xCO2_water_sst_dry_ppm _FillValue double -1.0E34
attribute fCO2_insitu_from_xCO2_water_sst_dry_ppm actual_range double 0.0, 6284.705238645317
attribute fCO2_insitu_from_xCO2_water_sst_dry_ppm ioos_category String CO2
attribute fCO2_insitu_from_xCO2_water_sst_dry_ppm long_name String fCO2 from xCO2_water_sst_dry_ppm, Pressure_equi, sal
attribute fCO2_insitu_from_xCO2_water_sst_dry_ppm missing_value double -1.0E34
attribute fCO2_insitu_from_xCO2_water_sst_dry_ppm standard_name String surface_partial_pressure_of_carbon_dioxide_in_sea_water
attribute fCO2_insitu_from_xCO2_water_sst_dry_ppm units String uatm
variable fCO2_from_pCO2_water_water_equi_temp double
attribute fCO2_from_pCO2_water_water_equi_temp _FillValue double -1.0E34
attribute fCO2_from_pCO2_water_water_equi_temp actual_range double -27.40113870691211, 66047.38562654165
attribute fCO2_from_pCO2_water_water_equi_temp ioos_category String CO2
attribute fCO2_from_pCO2_water_water_equi_temp long_name String fCO2 from pCO2_water_equi_temp, Pressure_equi, sal
attribute fCO2_from_pCO2_water_water_equi_temp missing_value double -1.0E34
attribute fCO2_from_pCO2_water_water_equi_temp standard_name String surface_partial_pressure_of_carbon_dioxide_in_sea_water
attribute fCO2_from_pCO2_water_water_equi_temp units String uatm
variable fCO2_from_pCO2_water_sst_100humidity_uatm double
attribute fCO2_from_pCO2_water_sst_100humidity_uatm _FillValue double -1.0E34
attribute fCO2_from_pCO2_water_sst_100humidity_uatm actual_range double -27.403111105405944, 66045.3752114026
attribute fCO2_from_pCO2_water_sst_100humidity_uatm ioos_category String CO2
attribute fCO2_from_pCO2_water_sst_100humidity_uatm long_name String fCO2 from pCO2_water_sst_100humidity_uatm, Pressure_equi, sal
attribute fCO2_from_pCO2_water_sst_100humidity_uatm missing_value double -1.0E34
attribute fCO2_from_pCO2_water_sst_100humidity_uatm standard_name String surface_partial_pressure_of_carbon_dioxide_in_sea_water
attribute fCO2_from_pCO2_water_sst_100humidity_uatm units String uatm
variable fCO2_insitu_from_fCO2_water_equi_uatm double
attribute fCO2_insitu_from_fCO2_water_equi_uatm _FillValue double -1.0E34
attribute fCO2_insitu_from_fCO2_water_equi_uatm actual_range double -560.2223736582881, 66047.24859615964
attribute fCO2_insitu_from_fCO2_water_equi_uatm ioos_category String CO2
attribute fCO2_insitu_from_fCO2_water_equi_uatm long_name String fCO2 from fCO2_water_equi_temp, Pressure_equi, sal
attribute fCO2_insitu_from_fCO2_water_equi_uatm missing_value double -1.0E34
attribute fCO2_insitu_from_fCO2_water_equi_uatm standard_name String surface_partial_pressure_of_carbon_dioxide_in_sea_water
attribute fCO2_insitu_from_fCO2_water_equi_uatm units String uatm
variable fCO2_insitu_from_fCO2_water_sst_100humidty_uatm double
attribute fCO2_insitu_from_fCO2_water_sst_100humidty_uatm _FillValue double -1.0E34
attribute fCO2_insitu_from_fCO2_water_sst_100humidty_uatm actual_range double -560.233, 66046.969
attribute fCO2_insitu_from_fCO2_water_sst_100humidty_uatm ioos_category String CO2
attribute fCO2_insitu_from_fCO2_water_sst_100humidty_uatm long_name String fCO2 from fCO2_water_sst_100humidity_uatm, Pressure_equi, sal
attribute fCO2_insitu_from_fCO2_water_sst_100humidty_uatm missing_value double -1.0E34
attribute fCO2_insitu_from_fCO2_water_sst_100humidty_uatm standard_name String surface_partial_pressure_of_carbon_dioxide_in_sea_water
attribute fCO2_insitu_from_fCO2_water_sst_100humidty_uatm units String uatm
variable fCO2_from_pCO2_water_water_equi_temp_ncep double
attribute fCO2_from_pCO2_water_water_equi_temp_ncep _FillValue double -1.0E34
attribute fCO2_from_pCO2_water_water_equi_temp_ncep actual_range double -557.9329776089907, 66047.29904280111
attribute fCO2_from_pCO2_water_water_equi_temp_ncep ioos_category String CO2
attribute fCO2_from_pCO2_water_water_equi_temp_ncep long_name String fCO2 from pCO2_water_equi_temp, NCEP SLP, sal
attribute fCO2_from_pCO2_water_water_equi_temp_ncep missing_value double -1.0E34
attribute fCO2_from_pCO2_water_water_equi_temp_ncep standard_name String surface_partial_pressure_of_carbon_dioxide_in_sea_water
attribute fCO2_from_pCO2_water_water_equi_temp_ncep units String uatm
variable fCO2_from_pCO2_water_sst_100humidity_uatm_ncep double
attribute fCO2_from_pCO2_water_sst_100humidity_uatm_ncep _FillValue double -1.0E34
attribute fCO2_from_pCO2_water_sst_100humidity_uatm_ncep actual_range double -557.921831803437, 66045.28811798937
attribute fCO2_from_pCO2_water_sst_100humidity_uatm_ncep ioos_category String CO2
attribute fCO2_from_pCO2_water_sst_100humidity_uatm_ncep long_name String fCO2 from pCO2_water_sst_100humidity_uatm, NCEP SLP, sal
attribute fCO2_from_pCO2_water_sst_100humidity_uatm_ncep missing_value double -1.0E34
attribute fCO2_from_pCO2_water_sst_100humidity_uatm_ncep standard_name String surface_partial_pressure_of_carbon_dioxide_in_sea_water
attribute fCO2_from_pCO2_water_sst_100humidity_uatm_ncep units String uatm
variable fCO2_insitu_from_xCO2_water_equi_temp_dry_ppm_woa double
attribute fCO2_insitu_from_xCO2_water_equi_temp_dry_ppm_woa _FillValue double -1.0E34
attribute fCO2_insitu_from_xCO2_water_equi_temp_dry_ppm_woa actual_range double -27.40734129266883, 66047.1699919689
attribute fCO2_insitu_from_xCO2_water_equi_temp_dry_ppm_woa ioos_category String CO2
attribute fCO2_insitu_from_xCO2_water_equi_temp_dry_ppm_woa long_name String fCO2 from xCO2_water_equi_temp_dry_ppm, Pressure_equi, WOA SSS
attribute fCO2_insitu_from_xCO2_water_equi_temp_dry_ppm_woa missing_value double -1.0E34
attribute fCO2_insitu_from_xCO2_water_equi_temp_dry_ppm_woa standard_name String surface_partial_pressure_of_carbon_dioxide_in_sea_water
attribute fCO2_insitu_from_xCO2_water_equi_temp_dry_ppm_woa units String uatm
variable fCO2_insitu_from_xCO2_water_sst_dry_ppm_woa double
attribute fCO2_insitu_from_xCO2_water_sst_dry_ppm_woa _FillValue double -1.0E34
attribute fCO2_insitu_from_xCO2_water_sst_dry_ppm_woa actual_range double 0.0, 6286.963871805463
attribute fCO2_insitu_from_xCO2_water_sst_dry_ppm_woa ioos_category String CO2
attribute fCO2_insitu_from_xCO2_water_sst_dry_ppm_woa long_name String fCO2 from xCO2_water_sst_dry_ppm, Pressure_equi, WOA SSS
attribute fCO2_insitu_from_xCO2_water_sst_dry_ppm_woa missing_value double -1.0E34
attribute fCO2_insitu_from_xCO2_water_sst_dry_ppm_woa standard_name String surface_partial_pressure_of_carbon_dioxide_in_sea_water
attribute fCO2_insitu_from_xCO2_water_sst_dry_ppm_woa units String uatm
variable fCO2_insitu_from_xCO2_water_equi_temp_dry_ppm_ncep double
attribute fCO2_insitu_from_xCO2_water_equi_temp_dry_ppm_ncep _FillValue double -1.0E34
attribute fCO2_insitu_from_xCO2_water_equi_temp_dry_ppm_ncep actual_range double -27.426175927775898, 66120.72215335934
attribute fCO2_insitu_from_xCO2_water_equi_temp_dry_ppm_ncep ioos_category String CO2
attribute fCO2_insitu_from_xCO2_water_equi_temp_dry_ppm_ncep long_name String fCO2 from xCO2_water_equi_temp_dry_ppm, NCEP SLP, sal
attribute fCO2_insitu_from_xCO2_water_equi_temp_dry_ppm_ncep missing_value double -1.0E34
attribute fCO2_insitu_from_xCO2_water_equi_temp_dry_ppm_ncep standard_name String surface_partial_pressure_of_carbon_dioxide_in_sea_water
attribute fCO2_insitu_from_xCO2_water_equi_temp_dry_ppm_ncep units String uatm
variable fCO2_insitu_from_xCO2_water_sst_dry_ppm_ncep double
attribute fCO2_insitu_from_xCO2_water_sst_dry_ppm_ncep _FillValue double -1.0E34
attribute fCO2_insitu_from_xCO2_water_sst_dry_ppm_ncep actual_range double 0.0, 7748.566288352019
attribute fCO2_insitu_from_xCO2_water_sst_dry_ppm_ncep ioos_category String CO2
attribute fCO2_insitu_from_xCO2_water_sst_dry_ppm_ncep long_name String fCO2 from xCO2_water_sst_dry_ppm, NCEP SLP, sal
attribute fCO2_insitu_from_xCO2_water_sst_dry_ppm_ncep missing_value double -1.0E34
attribute fCO2_insitu_from_xCO2_water_sst_dry_ppm_ncep standard_name String surface_partial_pressure_of_carbon_dioxide_in_sea_water
attribute fCO2_insitu_from_xCO2_water_sst_dry_ppm_ncep units String uatm
variable fCO2_insitu_from_xCO2_water_equi_temp_dry_ppm_ncep_woa double
attribute fCO2_insitu_from_xCO2_water_equi_temp_dry_ppm_ncep_woa _FillValue double -1.0E34
attribute fCO2_insitu_from_xCO2_water_equi_temp_dry_ppm_ncep_woa actual_range double -27.43192901837797, 66120.63800057703
attribute fCO2_insitu_from_xCO2_water_equi_temp_dry_ppm_ncep_woa ioos_category String CO2
attribute fCO2_insitu_from_xCO2_water_equi_temp_dry_ppm_ncep_woa long_name String fCO2 from xCO2_water_equi_temp_dry_ppm, NCEP SLP, WOA SSS
attribute fCO2_insitu_from_xCO2_water_equi_temp_dry_ppm_ncep_woa missing_value double -1.0E34
attribute fCO2_insitu_from_xCO2_water_equi_temp_dry_ppm_ncep_woa standard_name String surface_partial_pressure_of_carbon_dioxide_in_sea_water
attribute fCO2_insitu_from_xCO2_water_equi_temp_dry_ppm_ncep_woa units String uatm
variable fCO2_insitu_from_xCO2_water_sst_dry_ppm_ncep_woa double
attribute fCO2_insitu_from_xCO2_water_sst_dry_ppm_ncep_woa _FillValue double -1.0E34
attribute fCO2_insitu_from_xCO2_water_sst_dry_ppm_ncep_woa actual_range double 0.0, 7750.648517576873
attribute fCO2_insitu_from_xCO2_water_sst_dry_ppm_ncep_woa ioos_category String CO2
attribute fCO2_insitu_from_xCO2_water_sst_dry_ppm_ncep_woa long_name String fCO2 from xCO2_water_sst_dry_ppm, NCEP SLP, WOA SSS
attribute fCO2_insitu_from_xCO2_water_sst_dry_ppm_ncep_woa missing_value double -1.0E34
attribute fCO2_insitu_from_xCO2_water_sst_dry_ppm_ncep_woa standard_name String surface_partial_pressure_of_carbon_dioxide_in_sea_water
attribute fCO2_insitu_from_xCO2_water_sst_dry_ppm_ncep_woa units String uatm
variable fCO2_recommended double
attribute fCO2_recommended _FillValue double -1.0E34
attribute fCO2_recommended actual_range double -560.2223736582881, 66047.24615659607
attribute fCO2_recommended ioos_category String CO2
attribute fCO2_recommended long_name String fCO2 recommended
attribute fCO2_recommended missing_value double -1.0E34
attribute fCO2_recommended standard_name String surface_partial_pressure_of_carbon_dioxide_in_sea_water
attribute fCO2_recommended units String uatm
variable fCO2_source int
attribute fCO2_source _FillValue int -99
attribute fCO2_source actual_range int -1, 14
attribute fCO2_source colorBarMaximum double 100.0
attribute fCO2_source colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute fCO2_source ioos_category String Identifier
attribute fCO2_source long_name String Algorithm number for recommended fCO2
attribute fCO2_source missing_value int -99
variable delta_temp double
attribute delta_temp _FillValue double -1.0E34
attribute delta_temp actual_range double -643.017, 646.041
attribute delta_temp colorBarMaximum double 32.0
attribute delta_temp colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute delta_temp ioos_category String Temperature
attribute delta_temp long_name String Equilibrator Temp - SST
attribute delta_temp missing_value double -1.0E34
attribute delta_temp standard_name String sea_surface_temperature
attribute delta_temp units String degrees C
variable region_id String
attribute region_id ioos_category String Location
attribute region_id long_name String SOCAT region ID
variable calc_speed double
attribute calc_speed _FillValue double -1.0E34
attribute calc_speed actual_range double -120.2919059821851, 637188.8180133922
attribute calc_speed long_name String calculated ship speed
attribute calc_speed missing_value double -1.0E34
attribute calc_speed units String knots
variable etopo2 double
attribute etopo2 _FillValue double -1.0E34
attribute etopo2 actual_range double -1531.5709942110152, 10739.187432539611
attribute etopo2 colorBarMaximum double 8000.0
attribute etopo2 colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute etopo2 colorBarPalette String OceanDepth
attribute etopo2 long_name String bathymetry from ETOPO2
attribute etopo2 missing_value double -1.0E34
attribute etopo2 positive String down
attribute etopo2 standard_name String depth
attribute etopo2 units String meters
variable gvCO2 double
attribute gvCO2 _FillValue double -1.0E34
attribute gvCO2 actual_range double 331.2881283874862, 417.4703365871633
attribute gvCO2 ioos_category String CO2
attribute gvCO2 long_name String GlobalView xCO2
attribute gvCO2 missing_value double -1.0E34
attribute gvCO2 standard_name String mole_fraction_of_carbon_dioxide_in_air
attribute gvCO2 units String umol/mol
variable dist_to_land double
attribute dist_to_land _FillValue double -1.0E34
attribute dist_to_land actual_range double 0.0, 1000.0
attribute dist_to_land ioos_category String Location
attribute dist_to_land long_name String distance to major land mass
attribute dist_to_land missing_value double -1.0E34
attribute dist_to_land units String km
variable day_of_year double
attribute day_of_year _FillValue double -1.0E34
attribute day_of_year actual_range double 1.0, 366.9999510300926
attribute day_of_year history String From /home/xtra/tmap/socat/data/vLatest/DsgNcFiles/1899/189920141219.nc
attribute day_of_year ioos_category String Time
attribute day_of_year long_name String Day of Year
attribute day_of_year missing_value double -1.0E34
attribute day_of_year units String days
variable time double
attribute time _CoordinateAxisType String Time
attribute time actual_range double -3.848292E8, 1.60989108E9
attribute time axis String T
attribute time ioos_category String Time
attribute time long_name String sample time
attribute time standard_name String time
attribute time time_origin String 01-JAN-1970 00:00:00
attribute time units String seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
variable lon360 double
attribute lon360 _FillValue double -1.0E34
attribute lon360 actual_range double 0.0, 359.999999444
attribute lon360 colorBarMaximum double 180.0
attribute lon360 colorBarMinimum double -180.0
attribute lon360 history String added to /home/xtra/tmap/socat/data/vLatest/DsgNcFiles/1899/189920141219.nc
attribute lon360 ioos_category String Location
attribute lon360 long_name String Longitude
attribute lon360 missing_value double -1.0E34
attribute lon360 standard_name String longitude
attribute lon360 units String degrees_east
variable tmonth String
attribute tmonth history String added to /home/xtra/tmap/socat/data/vLatest/DsgNcFiles/1899/189920141219.nc
attribute tmonth long_name String month of year
variable nobs_full int
attribute nobs_full _FillValue int -99
attribute nobs_full actual_range int 9, 290997
attribute nobs_full colorBarMaximum double 100.0
attribute nobs_full colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute nobs_full history String From /home/xtra/tmap/socat/data/vLatest/DsgNcFiles/1899/189920141219.nc
attribute nobs_full long_name String Count in original trajectory
attribute nobs_full missing_value int -99
variable nobs_deci int
attribute nobs_deci _FillValue int -99
attribute nobs_deci actual_range int 9, 290997
attribute nobs_deci colorBarMaximum double 100.0
attribute nobs_deci colorBarMinimum double 0.0
attribute nobs_deci history String From /home/xtra/tmap/socat/data/vLatest/DsgNcFiles/1899/189920141219.nc
attribute nobs_deci long_name String Count in decimated trajectory
attribute nobs_deci missing_value int -99
attribute nobs_deci note String This dataset is not decimated

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